Wow! I resurrected my very first website. I now remember how hard it was to build websites back in the early 2000’s.
This is back when we used tables for layouts…before web standards existed. This website was amazing…back then. Those were the days…when every navigation menu item was an image and inline styling was necessary. Oh and I forgot to mention that this free website was built on Yahoo! GeoCities (which no longer exists). If too many people visited your website, it would just go down for the rest of the day.
This was also before syntax highlighting was common. I wrote most of my code using a very basic text editor, which meant that debugging was a trial-and-error nightmare! Did I mention that there was no such thing as a web developer toolbar? When I first built this website in 2005, Firebug didn’t exist and Google Chrome did not hit the scene until 2008.
So if you come across an old website, just know that someone, somewhere put a lot of blood sweat and tears to get that site to look just right.
It has been a pleasure to see how technology has evolved over the years. But I will always remember the early days.