Max.gov is a web application that allows Federal Government Agencies to collaborate with one another using a single platform. Some of the activities included cross-collaboration to create the yearly budget documentations. While Max.gov offered heightened security with Single Sign-On using a PIV or CAC card, there was still a need to allow SMS two-factor authentication. The primary goal was to design an interface that would allow Federal Government users to be able to log in to MAX.gov using SMS two-factor authentication.
My Role: UX Designer
Deliverables: Task-flow diagram and Low-fi prototype
Key Findings from Internal Research
Initial research was conducted internally and consisted of several meetings with stakeholders and developers.
User Flow
It was important to develop a User Flow prior to prototyping. The goal was to map out the end-to-end process for logging in and to consider error handling. Below is the final user flow.
Low-fi Wireframes
The final product was developed after I left the agency here are screenshots of iterations of the login screen.
First Iteration
Current Iteration